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Oneshi Press

Tracy Queen - yellow divider line

OMG do you guys know about ONESHI PRESS?!

Tracy Queen - Cover - by Jayel Draco - half resolutionI’m so freaking excited to tell you this, everybody! After a lot of thinking and preparation, Lynsey G and Jayel Draco, the co-creators of this graphic novel about me, have launched a freaking publishing company so they can get the book out to the world! They tried to have it published by someone else, but it turns out my story is too wild for most publishers. So they’re doing it themselves! I’m so psyched!

It looks like there are a few other projects they’ll be doing, too: A comic book about a roving gang of vigilante dogs called PACK and an art book about a fully developed, beautiful fantasy world called Rendaraia. I’ve gotten a peek at some of the concept art for these projects and they look dope! You can see some of it, too at

And check this out! Oneshi Press is also launching a Patreon page to rustle up some funding. Patrons can donate on a monthly basis to keep the dollars rolling in and the finished work rolling out. It looks like they’re planning to release one finished page of art and text per month, and produce more as they make more money. (That’s smart! Wish I’d had a model like that when I started filming full scenes for my website… Grumble grumble…) Anyway, art books and graphic novels and comics are super expensive and time-consuming to produce, so Patreon seems like a sustainable way to get this started.

Tracy Queen - yellow divider lineHere’s their video explaining the whole thing.

We are an independent publisher of progressive, immersive, gorgeous books. Our passion is creating stories that explore dark corners, shatter taboos, emphasize progressive ideals, and immerse you in intricate worlds. We’re inviting you into them to explore!

We let our audience in from the earliest stages of our creative process to the very last. We host a Twitch live-stream every Tuesday and Thursday evening, starting at 5:30pm MST. Watch our co-founder and artist, Jayel Draco, as he brings our creative projects to life, and chat with him as he works. The sign-in process is easy, but beware—watching immersive artwork for fantasy and sci-fi projects come to life in real time is surprisingly addictive. There’s a real danger you might get hooked!

We also run a Patreon campaign, where you can get even more involved. As a patron, you can get exclusive first looks at our work, commission Jayel to create custom artwork just for you during his Twitch stream, and see yourself in our books. When we say “come into our world,” we mean that literally.

The point is, this is a really awesome company that’s going to be publishing a graphic novel about me (eeee!), so you should check it out! Donate via Patreon if you can, but if you can’t, just Like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, share their website, and spread the word! You guys are the best!

Read the first few installments of the graphic novel all about me, Now!

Tracy Queen, a graphic novel, is being published eight pages at a time in the Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology series, alongside progressive, immersive, gorgeous short comics by other independent comics creators. You can purchase the anthology and other cool products featuring me, and other cool characters, at the Oneshi Press Store!

Oneshi Press Comics Anthologies, now available

Get Involved with our growing community over at Oneshi press!

Follow Tracy Queen here, and support her and her army at Oneshi Press’s Patreon supporters get the first looks at the development of the comic, as well as exclusive materials and a slew of rewards, which vary depending on their pledge level. Visit the campaign at to get in on the action, and to help PACK and other great books get published. And don’t forget to get a copy of the quarterly comics anthology—including eight pages of Tracy Queen in each one—at the Oneshi Press Store!Oneshi Press: We build worlds, you're invited. Comsic radiation banner logo banner logo

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