tracy queen pack 2 kindness kickstarter

Only 3 Days Left to Help the PACK #2 Kickstarter!

tracy queen pack 2 kindness kickstarter

Okay, Tracy Queen fans, it’s time to get super serious. About my comic book crush Patience, and his PACK of stray dogs! And, of course, the comic book they’re in.

About the PACK

Look, Oneshi Press—the publisher and creative team behind the graphic novel about ME—is crowdfunding the printing and distribution of the second issue of this series, PACK. The series tells the story of six stray dogs—and one (hot) stray man—who live on the streets of Brooklyn, fighting crime. Each of them has their own backstory, and each issue of the series tells one of them. That’s alongside the continuing story of the police, residents, and politicians in a quickly gentrifying neighborhood on the edge of violent crime.

About PACK #2: Kindness

pack 2 kindness mug shotIssue 2 of the series is about Kindness, a pit bull who started life as a beloved family dog…but whose breed led him to be kidnapped and forced into the fighting pits. Kindness managed to escape and join the PACK. And now he’s a vigilante, along with the rest of the PACK. Plus there’s the boy, Keatus, who the dogs watch over. And the cop, James, who’s trying to figure out who’s side he’s on. Even Sally, the politician who puts ambition over animal—and human—welfare.

The thing is, this series is badass. It’s about animal rights, human rights, and so much more. And Patience is like really hot, folks. I have SUCH a huge crush on him! Which means I want him to succeed!

And here’s the thing. Um. I’m a fictional character. So I can’t, like, actually donate to the Kickstarter myself. Haha, yeah, whoops. But I’m really supportive anyway! Sooooo, hey! Can you help out for me?

How to Help

So this Kickstarter needs to succeed, right? Can you help? A pledge is super welcome. But even if you’re not able to pledge right now, you can always share this link! I know you know some comics fans and dog lovers who would be interested in helping support this campaign! Thanks for helping now, since time is running out.

Want to know more? Here’s the short video from the campaign!


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