Category: Uncategorized

  • My Third Issue’s Campaign Ends Tomorrow!

    My Third Issue’s Campaign Ends Tomorrow!

    The campaign for issue 3 of my comic book series ends tomorrow! Get in on all this sweet juicy booty before it’s too late!

  • I’m Back, Baby! (On Kickstarter)

    I’m Back, Baby! (On Kickstarter)

    The folks at Oneshi Press just launched a Kickstarter to fund the third issue of my epic comic book series!

  • I Want More & I’m Coming…Again!

    I Want More & I’m Coming…Again!

    I want more, and I always get what I want. Here’s what you need to know about the upcoming campaign for issue 3 of my comic series!

  • A Pride Party and Twitter Party

    A Pride Party and Twitter Party

    Pride is back, and I’m coming! You can get involved, too! Here’s a pride story and an invitation, just for you.

  • I Support Black Lives—And You Can, Too

    I Support Black Lives—And You Can, Too

    I. Am. Furious. I may be a fictional character, but I’m still protesting. The violence against Black, brown, and indigenous people in the United States must end. So I’m doing something to help the cause of dismantling systems of oppression, along with Oneshi Press. So here’s an art print to raise money for the cause.…

  • I’m BACK! “Dangerous Experiments” Out Now!

    I’m BACK! “Dangerous Experiments” Out Now!

    I’m Back in Dangerous Experiments! At laaaaast! The second installment of the epic, sex-positive, sci-fi  graphic novel about me has landed! It launched today at the Oneshi Press store in both trade paperback and digital. Tracy Queen, V2: Dangerous Experiments brings back me, my BFF Nikola the raccoon, and my career as a camgirl. Now, I’m also…

  • Reserve Your Copy of “Dangerous Experiments” Today!

    Reserve Your Copy of “Dangerous Experiments” Today!

    It’s happening, people! The second issue of the heckin’ badass story of moi is almost here. On May 27, Tracy Queen, V2: Dangerous Experiments will go live on the Oneshi Press store. But there aren’t many copies of the limited-edition trade paperback, so reserve yours now! About V2: Dangerous Experiments When we left off at the end of…

  • Volume 2 Is Funded! Thank you!

    Volume 2 Is Funded! Thank you!

    Oh. Em. Freaking. GEE, folks. It happened! After a surprise, last-minute extension that gave the campaign an extra week, the Kickstarter for Tracy Queen, V2: Dangerous Experiments was fully funded last Friday! I can hardly believe it! For a while there, it looked unlikely. But you, my darling fans and followers and friends, made it happen! You…

  • The Countdown Begins—4 Days Left to Fund Volume 2!

    The Countdown Begins—4 Days Left to Fund Volume 2!

    UPDATE! The amazing people at Kickstarter have granted the campaign a 7-day extension in light of recent events. With your help, I know this project can get funded! It will now conclude on March 27, 2020. There are just four days remaining till the Kickstarter to fund Volume 2 of the graphic novel about ME…

  • Pornhub + Personality Quiz!

    Pornhub + Personality Quiz!

    I’m on Pornhub at Last! It’s been a long time coming (hahaha!)…but I’m finally on Pornhub, in my skimpy-as-hell armor that I designed for myself. Also in some lingerie. There might even be a flash of me nude in there… Find out here. (Link is to an NSFW platform! Click with caution!) Hahahaha, made you look! Okay,…

  • I’m Back! Volume 2 Is Kickstarting NOW!

    I’m Back! Volume 2 Is Kickstarting NOW!

    I guess the world wants sex-positive, sci-fi adventures! That’s why it’s so exciting that Volume 2 of the graphic novel—Dangerous Experiments—is Kickstarting RIGHT NOW! 

  • 12 New Pages of My Story in the Justice Anthology!

    12 New Pages of My Story in the Justice Anthology!

    It’s time for new pages from the graphic novel about yours truly! And this time there are TWELVE in one place—the Justice Anthology. The 9th comics anthology from Oneshi Press collects a dozen short comics from diverse creators all over the damn place! That includes the final pages of Tracy Queen, V2: Dangerous Experiments. And…

  • 8 New Pages of My Story in the Healing Anthology—Out Now!

    8 New Pages of My Story in the Healing Anthology—Out Now!

    It’s heeeeere! The eighth comics anthology from Oneshi Press is all about trauma, redemption, and healing. And it’s got eight new pages from the graphic novel by Lynsey G. and Jayel Draco about ME! These pages are really special. They show my BFF Nikola’s backstory for the first time! And, on top of that, they…

  • Subscribe to Get Everything Tracy Queen!

    Subscribe to Get Everything Tracy Queen!

    It’s time to get serious about loving me, babe. If you’re a fan of my sex-positive badassery…Or my BFF Nikola’s super-smart raccoon style…My cyborg-clone army coolness…Or especially sexual empowerment and embodiment…I mean, if you’re basically anybody I’d ever want to talk to…I’ve got news for you! You can now subscribe to get every new comic,…

  • Only 3 Days Left to Help the PACK #2 Kickstarter!

    Only 3 Days Left to Help the PACK #2 Kickstarter!

    Okay, Tracy Queen fans, it’s time to get super serious. About my comic book crush Patience, and his PACK of stray dogs! And, of course, the comic book they’re in. About the PACK Look, Oneshi Press—the publisher and creative team behind the graphic novel about ME—is crowdfunding the printing and distribution of the second issue…

  • “Tracy Queen, Volume 1” Is Out in Digital!

    “Tracy Queen, Volume 1” Is Out in Digital!

    Tracy Queen, Volume 1 Is Here in Digital! I’m not gonna lie. I’m absolutely in love with the trade paperback of Tracy Queen, Volume 1, the first issue of the epic eight-part graphic novel about ME! But I know that some of my fans are more into ebooks and digital downloads than old-school books. So…

  • “A Little Secks and a Lot of Weird Shit”—A Review of “Tracy Queen, V1”

    “A Little Secks and a Lot of Weird Shit”—A Review of “Tracy Queen, V1”

    The folks over at Rogues Portal GET it. A review of the first volume of my graphic novel went live this week, written by the amazing Brendan Hykes, who had this to say: Tracy Queen Volume 1 is unexpected, to say the least. An action hero with a talking raccoon sidekick, ninja drug-runners, cyborg armies,…

  • I Am the Internet’s Queen!

    I Am the Internet’s Queen!

    I’m not even going to act like I’m not bragging, because I totally am. Folks, I am basically the ruler of the internet right now. Seriously. People are so psyched about the first volume of the graphic novel about me! The writer of the book, Lynsey G., has been interviewed twice about it, and big-deal…

  • I Have Arrived! “Tracy Queen, Volume 1” Is Here!

    I Have Arrived! “Tracy Queen, Volume 1” Is Here!

    It’s been years in the making: seven, to be exact. Sex-positive writer Lynsey G. began brainstorming a graphic novel about a young woman who discovers herself, finds freedom, and seizes empowerment through sexuality back in 2012. She developed a character who was strong yet scattered, brave yet sheltered, brilliant yet eccentric, repressed yet curious. A…

  • “Tracy Queen, Volume 1” COVER REVEAL!

    “Tracy Queen, Volume 1” COVER REVEAL!

    Folks!!! I. Am. So. Excited. Look at this amazing, gorgeous, freaking stunning cover art! It’s like. It’s just SO pretty. I LOVE IT! It was created by digital artist stevieraedrawn, and it shows me standing with my sword like a badass, just waiting for somebody to come into my home trying to hurt me. And it’s like…it’s just…

  • 8 New Pages from my Graphic Novel! Now in OPQA7!

    8 New Pages from my Graphic Novel! Now in OPQA7!

    2019 is here! And with it come eight new pages from the epic graphic novel all about me! These pages show me being a total f*cking badass, taking out some really horrible people when I catch them in the act of degrading women. Then I spend some time plotting my revenge—which comes in the form of…

  • We DID It! Thank You for Supporting the Graphic Novel!

    We DID It! Thank You for Supporting the Graphic Novel!

    I can’t belieeeeve it, people! WE DID IT! Your support helped Oneshi Press raise nearly $10,000 on Kickstarter to publish Volume 1 of the epic graphic novel about me! I’m so humbled and excited and amazed. You’re all badasses. THANK YOU! Look, I am totally in awe of all of you. This graphic novel means a…

  • 2 Days Left = EXTRA GOODIES!

    2 Days Left = EXTRA GOODIES!

    Oh my goooooddddddd I’m so nervous! There are only 2 days left on the Kickstarter to fund Tracy Queen, Volume 1! It’s super close to getting funded, but it’s impossible to know right now! Guuhhhh I can’t take the uncertainty! You know what this campaign needs? It needs more people to know about it! That’s why the Oneshi…

  • One Week to Go! Videos! Podcasts! Articles! Woah!

    One Week to Go! Videos! Podcasts! Articles! Woah!

    There’s exactly one week left to fund Volume 1 of my graphic novel! I’m so nervous, everybody! But lucky for me, there’s a whole bunch of stuff that’s been made, posted, recorded, and written this week. I’m trying to keep myself occupied with videos, podcasts, and articles. And there will be more coming in the next week, so…

  • Look! A Kickstarter Video!

    Look! A Kickstarter Video!

    The campaign to fund the first volume of the graphic novel about yours truly now has its very own, snazzy-ass Kickstarter video! It stars the writer, Lynsey G., the illustrator, Jayel Draco, and super-f**king-awesome fan Deus Nova! There’s slick-as-heck animation, a sneak peek inside the book, and even my own theme music! The whole nine…

  • The Kickstarter for Volume 1 of My Graphic Novel Is Here!

    The Kickstarter for Volume 1 of My Graphic Novel Is Here!

    The time has come! After seven years of preparation, hundreds of hours of live-streamed art, and countless moments of hype… The Kickstarter to fund the first issue of the graphic novel about me is live! This is a dream come true! The story of my journey from repressed and violent existence, into an independent, empowerment, and pleasure-filled…

  • 8 new pages from my graphic novel are HERE in OPQA6!

    8 new pages from my graphic novel are HERE in OPQA6!

    Everybody! Stop whatever you’re doing and look at this new page from Oneshi Press Anthology #06! It’s brand-new, and it came out this week in gorgeous, full-color trade paperback. And it’s got eight new pages from my graphic novel in it, alongside seven other short comics and fine art from over a dozen badass creative folks…

  • Draw ME for Inktober & Get Published!

    Draw ME for Inktober & Get Published!

    It’s almost October, and I want to see what you think of me. So I can get you published. Draw ME for #Inktober 2018! October is #Inktober, when artists around the world create daily images and show them off online. It’s totally f*cking awesome, and this year, I want in! So I’m inviting every artist out…

  • My Crush’s First Comic Book Is Here!

    My Crush’s First Comic Book Is Here!

    Okay, you maaay have picked up on the fact that I have a gigantic crush on this vigilante guy, Patience. He’s the one stray man who runs with a pack of stray dogs here in Brooklyn. They take out criminals, cuddle up adorably in alleys at night, and are awesome. And Patience is like…super hot. Anyway, Oneshi…

  • New “Tracy Queen” Is Here! (Inside OPQA #05!)

    New “Tracy Queen” Is Here! (Inside OPQA #05!)

    Hey there, darling babes! I’ve got fantastic news! The latest installment of the graphic novel about me, written by Lynsey G., illustrated by Jayel Draco, and lettered by Cardinal Rae, is here! It’s part of Oneshi Press Anthology #05, along with 7 0ther comics from 15 other creators from 2 continents. And, uh, it’s amazing. These four pages…

  • Remembering Jack Schell, The Soundweaver

    Remembering Jack Schell, The Soundweaver

    “When I remember what I came here for, to bring you happiness and joy”  — Jack Schell August 13, 1959 – June 10, 2018 ~ May his song resound eternal Jack Schell, The Soundweaver, was the kind of musician that most of us can’t even comprehend. I mean it. He wasn’t in the game for glory,…

  • OMG Let’s Get PACK Printed!

    OMG Let’s Get PACK Printed!

    You might remember that I have a majorly huge crush on the lead character from Oneshi Press‘s gritty comic book, PACK. I’ve definitely, um, mentioned it here and there. Listen, the guy is HOT. And he’s got that dangerous appeal going, too. The kind that comes with having thrown off the yoke of society to go…

  • More of my Graphic Novel is HERE in Oneshi Press Anthology #04!

    More of my Graphic Novel is HERE in Oneshi Press Anthology #04!

    Oneshi Press Anthology #04 Is HERE! It’s finally here! Pages 25-32 of the graphic novel about YOURS TRULY are in Oneshi Press Anthology #04! It’s out now in gorgeous limited edition trade paperback format, and you can also get a digital copy from ComiXology! However you read, just get your copy soon so you can watch…

  • Happy Spring Holidays!

    Happy Spring Holidays!

    As your Love Bunny of spring holidays, I’m bringing goodies to people of every faith to celebrate the season of fertility and rebirth and sexiness! AND I’m also bringing you copies of the 4th Oneshi Press Anthology! Surprise! They’re out now in super-duper limited edition trade paperback at the Oneshi Press store, and digitally from ComiXology! Tracy…

  • A New FREE Sample from the Graphic Novel!?

    A New FREE Sample from the Graphic Novel!?

    The folks at Oneshi Press just released a new, free sample of the graphic novel they’re publishing about ME! It’s a .PDF of the first eight pages of the story, in all their badass, full-color glory, and you can grab it for free from the Oneshi Press Patreon! Oh, did I mention it’s free? Look, I know…

  • Tracy Queen Fan Art!

    Tracy Queen Fan Art!

    Some of my favorite artists have submitted fan art of me to the folks over at Oneshi Press!!! This is sooooo cool! I’m not gonna lie. I love it that people are so into me that they’re creating original art of me! I mean, talk about flattering! So far Oneshi Press has been publishing this…

  • Installment #03 of my graphic novel is HERE!

    Installment #03 of my graphic novel is HERE!

    Aaaaah I’m so excited! There are now 24 pages of the graphic novel about ME out in the world! It’s been a long time coming. The writer, Lynsey G., started working on it in 2012. And the artist, Jayel Draco, got in on the action way back in 2013. It’s taken a while, but now…

  • Gruss vom Krampus!

    Gruss vom Krampus!

    Gruss vom Krampus! Aaaahahahaha, you guys, I love messing with Nikola. He acts all big and bad with his drug habit and his street smarts, but he’s a total mush. At holiday time he just wants to get dressed up as an elf and drink eggnog and decorate the Christmas tree. I think it’s great…

  • The Tracy Queen Holiday Gift Guide, 2017!

    The Tracy Queen Holiday Gift Guide, 2017!

      Look, the holidays can be mondo stressful, especially when your gift list is full of feminists, sci-fi fans, and perverts. Trust me, I know. I have to shop for an electrical engineer who’s a racoon, an army of cyborg-clone warriors, and a bunch of porn stars every year! But hey, check it out! Oneshi Press,…

  • Featured on the Oneshi Press Blog!

    Featured on the Oneshi Press Blog!

    I just adore the folks at Oneshi Press, you guys. They’re publishing a graphic novel about me, in case you haven’t heard. And they wrote a whole blog post about my life, my book, where to download a free sample of the graphic novel, and how you can buy the first 16 pages! I’m reblogging with permission…

  • The First 16 Pages of MY GRAPHIC NOVEL Are Out!

    The First 16 Pages of MY GRAPHIC NOVEL Are Out!

    YOU GUYS OMG OMG OMG! Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology #02 is available now from Oneshi Press! And it’s got pages 9-16 of the graphic novel about me, written by Lynsey G. and illustrated by Jayel Draco! (If you want to catch up on pages 1-8, those are in the first anthology, also available at the Oneshi Press store.)…

  • OPQA: Info & Submissions Deets & DO IT

    OPQA: Info & Submissions Deets & DO IT

    So hey, I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this on my blog yet, but DID YOU KNOW ONESHI PRESS HAS STARTED PUBLISHING THE GRAPHIC NOVEL ABOUT ME?! The first 8 pages of the book are now out in Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology #01! And 8 more pages will be printed in the next anthology, and the…

  • Reblog: Call for Submissions to the Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology

    Reblog: Call for Submissions to the Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology

    Hey, lovers! So, as I’ve been telling you for a few weeks now, the first 8 pages of the graphic novel Oneshi Press is making about me are finally available! Oneshi is printing 8 pages at a time of the graphic novel in their quarterly comics anthologies, and they’re looking for comics, graphic novels, and other…

  • The Beginning of My Graphic Novel Is OUT!

    The Beginning of My Graphic Novel Is OUT!

    Drop what you’re doing RIGHT NOW and get a copy of the Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology #01, because the beginning of my graphic novel is IN IT! The first eight pages of the epic graphic novel written by Lynsey G and illustrated by Jayel Draco (the co-founders of Oneshi Press) are featured in the first…

  • Reblog: Submissions for the Oneshi Press Anthology Now Open!

    Reblog: Submissions for the Oneshi Press Anthology Now Open!

    So you may know that Oneshi Press is going to be publishing a graphic novel about me! I’m super psyched about the full book, but since it takes a while to put together a huuuuge book like this one, they’re releasing my story in eight-page segments first, as part of their quarterly anthology! The first anthology,…

  • New Video from Oneshi Press!

    New Video from Oneshi Press!

    So in case you hadn’t heard by now, Oneshi Press is making a graphic novel about me! They’re an independent publishing company, funded mostly by their community of supporters on Patreon. Right now, they’re working on my graphic novel, a comic book, and art book. I’ve seen samples of them all, and the books are…

  • Happy Winter Holidays (or XXXMas!)

    Happy Winter Holidays (or XXXMas!)

    Happy Winter Holidays, you guys! This time of year is so awesome! I love to get super cozy with some Shwiskey-laced eggnog and a super snuggly sweater and snowflake stockings (aren’t they awesome!) and think about all the wild stuff that happened over the year. Here’s wishing happy winter holidays, no matter which ones you…

  • What’s My Star Sign?

    What’s My Star Sign?

    A lot of fans over the years have asked me about my astrological star sign, but I never responded. I kind of thought astrology was stupid. I mean, I’m a scientist. With a degree in biochemistry and advanced real-world experience with genetic engineering. Astrology seemed like hooey. But then Lynsey G, the writer who’s making…

  • Free Sample of a Graphic Novel about ME!

    Free Sample of a Graphic Novel about ME!

    Wheeeee! There is a free sample of the graphic novel that Oneshi Press is making about ME available for download RIGHT NOW! Get it here! It’s free! It’s awesome! You love it! It will give you a taste of all the crazy shit that I get up to in my life! Like warfare, cyborgs, sex,…

  • So much Patience in the PACK Sample!

    So much Patience in the PACK Sample!

    I just downloaded the free PACK comicbook sample Patience has paid off! I mean that in several ways. I’ve been waiting for, like, ever for a chance to read more from the comic book PACK from Oneshi Press. They’ve released a bunch of concept art on the PACK website and on Facebook, but the actual…

  • Tarmucks Schwag

    Tarmucks Schwag

    You might be aware that I’m a big fan of coffee. Okay, a huge fan of coffee. All right, I’m a raving mad coffee addict with a two-pots-a-day habit. And you might also know, given my frequent selfie-taking habit that usually goes along with large cups of java, that my favorite coffee comes from Tarmucks–my…

  • My Nooky Box arrived!

    My Nooky Box arrived!

    You guys! I’m so excited! I signed up for a subscription to Nooky Box and my first one just arrived! It’s filled with loads of wonderful adult-themed stuff, including toys, lube, a sexy story, a hottt playlist, and candy! What a fantastic subscription! I got the quarterly “Sex is Fun” box, which will change every…

  • Oneshi Press

    Oneshi Press

    I’m so freaking excited to tell you this, everybody! After a lot of thinking and preparation, Lynsey G and Jayel Draco, the co-creators of this graphic novel about me, have launched a freaking publishing company so they can get the book out to the world! They tried to have it published by someone else, but it…

  • I got a shout-out on the radio!

    I got a shout-out on the radio!

    Lynsey G (the person writing a graphic novel about me) was on Sex City last week and she and gave me a shout-out and it ruled! Sex City is a great show that I love listening to on quiet Tuesday evenings, where they talk about all things sex, especially sex-positivity and progress in the acceptance…

  • Music I Like

    Music I Like

    TrixieCotton324 asked: What kind of music do you listen to? And I answered: Trip-hop, mostly. I guess I’m a little out of date, but I love anything that makes me feel slinky and sexy. Portishead, Halou, Massive Attack, Sneaker Pimps… that kind of stuff. Jack Shell – The Soundweaver is way rad! And oh my…

  • Sleeze by The Soundweaver

    Sleeze by The Soundweaver

    How Cool is this??? “A trip down a sticky hallway leading to a party room with trippy flashing lights and a shiny pole and places to flop down for a hit off the hookah! inspired by my friend Jayel Draco’s art and Tracy Queen written by Lynsey G.” —Jack Schell! My good friend…

  • I Don’t Go Out in Public

    I Don’t Go Out in Public

    SnugglePantsPlant asks: Do you do public appearances? I’d love to get some signed TQ memorabilia! And I answer: Nope. I like to stay home. But if you e-mail me at, maybe we can work out getting you a signature! Out in public. . . I mean, like. . . have you seen these headlines?…

  • An interview about ME!

    An interview about ME!

    Check this out, you guys! Lynsey G and Jayel Draco, the co-creators of this really kickass graphic novel about me, got interviewed by the editor-in-chief of Luna Luna magazine! So basically the interview is all about me. Coooool, right? These two are crazy smart artist types and they’re all impassioned about bringing my story to…

  • Happy 4/20 for those who partake

    Happy 4/20 for those who partake

    BudzIzThugLife1997 asked: Happy 4/20, Tracy! You tokin? I answered: Nah. Never enjoyed drugs of any kind, except a brief brush with opium that we won’t get into. Now I only drink wine and scotch and COFFEE! I love coffee, don’t you love coffee? Talking about it is making me want it, I’m gonna go get…

  • Betrayal


    What do you do when you experience betrayal? What do you do when someone has betrayed you? I mean like really betrays you? Not a little undercut or a catty remark or divulging a dumb secret. I mean like when someone actually takes something that you’ve done for them and uses it to go behind…

  • The family question

    The family question

    The Family. My Family. People send me questions alllllll theeee tiiiiiime about my family. “How does your family feel about you doing porn?” “Does your mom know about you?” “Do you still talk to your family?” I don’t answer those questions. Or, at least, I didn’t. Because, fuck. I have other things to do. But…

  • I got a Tumblr –

    I got a Tumblr –

    I decided to get with the times and get a Tumblr. I’m pretty bad at using it right now. I don’t get Tumblr at all. Like is it supposed to be tumblr, lowercase? Or what? I don’t get the acronyms. What is RN and AF and stuff? I’m so confused. Am I old? Anyway, go…

  • Personhood and Cyborgs and Animals and Pr0n Stars

    Personhood and Cyborgs and Animals and Pr0n Stars

    As a cam girl and pornographer, I find that people sometimes think I’m less than a whole person. I don’t really see it happen often because most of my fans are coworkers are really great people, but every now and then a comment about how I’m a dirty whore, or deserve to have violent things…

  • I like weird art, okay

    I like weird art, okay

    BudzIzThugLife1997 asked: What’s that thing behind you in the pizza pic? It looks like an alien is it glowing? And I answered: What thing? You mean the pizza boxes? Oh the glowing thing! That is totally just an art piece that I bought recently. I haven’t quite found the right spot for it yet so……

  • Overused punctuation and overasked question

    Overused punctuation and overasked question

    zuzuhammerpants said: Why do you do gangbangs? It’s demeaning?! If you want to be respected not treated like a object like you say then stop doing gangbangs!!!! Thats a slut thing to do Tracy?!?! And I answered: Why do you overuse punctuation?! Personal choice?!?! Or hysteria?!?!?!?! OH MY GOD WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! Seriously, though. I get asked…

  • My current diet… Pizza

    My current diet… Pizza

    My diet right now consists of coffee, red wine, whiskey, and pizza. LOTS of peetzaaahhh. I just love it, don’t you? All 4 basic food groups with each bite! I’ve taken a lot of bites! I’m either going to get tremendously overweight, which could be awesome, or I’ll develop an ulcer and everything will spill…

  • Hellooooo twenty twelve

    Hellooooo twenty twelve

    Ding Dong! Twenty Twelve is here! I don’t do New Years Resolutions. I’m always evolving and improving myself (and those around me), so who needs them? But I do have one thing I’d like to accomplish in twenty twelve, for sure: WORLD DOMINATION.   …you think I’m kidding. Anyway, look through the resat of my…

  • Peace out, 2011!

    Peace out, 2011!

    2011 is almost over and I must admit I’m not too sad to see it go. I had some great moments this year–filmed some hot scenes with some cool people. Spent lots of time at home with my robot friend. Made lots of new friends! And I mean actually made them… but I can’t really…



    Hello, my dearest darling readers! I have had enough down time over the past few weeks to spend some time on the interwebz and I have discovered that a lot of people in the adult industry (like moi!) have these Amazon Wishlists, where they put up stuff they need/want and let fans buy it for…

  • Stop judging my robot!

    Stop judging my robot!

    flibadijibbit93 said: What the hell is that thing? Is that a cyborg? And I answered: What the hell? Cyborgs don’t exist. Like I said before, this is my experimental AI robot toy from Japan. Technically it’s not a toy, but I can’t really call it a pet which is kind of more how I treat…

  • I am thankful for my robot

    I am thankful for my robot

    Oh thank god. He came home. It came home. Whatever. He or it–my robot toy friend pet thing is HOME! I just went into the room he usually stays in and there he was, all shivering and low on energy but he’s ok and he found his way home YAY! Thanksgiving is a weird holiday…

  • WHERE IS MY Howie-BOT?!

    WHERE IS MY Howie-BOT?!

    Oh my god you guys, I don’t don’t what to do… I’m freaking out, it’s Thanksgiving and I still haven’t found Howie-Bot! That’s the name of my robot pet toy thing and he’s still missing and I mean it. It is still missing. And I’m super worried because technically I don’t think it’s legal that…

  • Missing robot toy/pet/thing

    Missing robot toy/pet/thing

    This is going to sound REALLY WEIRD you guys but just bear with me OK? I’ve got this robot toy from… um… Japan, I think. It’s a super-advanced AI piece from one of their like experimental toy labs or whatever they have over there. And it’s, like, missing right now. I’m putting this on my…

  • Yellow Fever: a rebuttal

    Yellow Fever: a rebuttal

    chaztherazzle said: I’ve got tha yellow fever cause of you Tracy!   And I answered: What the hell is wrong with you?! Ugh. I get this kind of question/comment way more often than I want to admit, and I usually ignore them. But today I felt a need to respond. I’ve talked about this issue…

  • Thank you for asking!

    Thank you for asking!

    Snyanide asked: Hello how are you doing beautiful? Wanted to let you know that you are gorgeous and I love how you’re so powerful in all your scenes! Will you do any more gangbangs soon? Ive never seen gangbangs like the ones you do before. You are always running the show! I answered: I’m doing…

  • Renaming that one thing I do

    Renaming that one thing I do

    I’ve been thinking about gangbangs. I think they need a new name. At least, the ones I do need a new name. The word “gangbang” makes you think of gangsters and thugs at best–and I’m done with that part of my life. At worst it makes you think of some poor defenseless woman being mercilessly…

  • A New Year, A New Day, A New Life…

    A New Year, A New Day, A New Life…

    Not really a new life. I’m just listening to Nina Simone and getting cozy with my hookah for the night, and I thought since I had a few spare minutes away from the… stuff I was doing… that I’d think ahead to 2011. I can’t believe it’s 2011 already! This year has passed in such…

  • @TheTracyQueen – I got a Twitter account, baby!

    @TheTracyQueen – I got a Twitter account, baby!

    @TheTracyQueen I know, I know. Everyone’s always telling me I don’t have enough “social media presence” and I’m always like, “WHO CARES ABOUT SOCIAL MEDIA because I’m already famous, bitches!” But then I realized, since I’ve been so busy I can hardly ever get on my blog anymore… I could use twitter to take fan…

  • Sorry Everybody!

    Sorry Everybody!

    Sorry I haven’t been online much lately, everyone! I’ve been filming new content but I haven’t had time to blog. Everyone keeps saying I should get a Tumblr but like ew. Anyway. Lots going on here. BIG stuff. Can’t tell you what it is. But I love you all and I’ll be back in a…

  • Plans


    TitsNClits4Sale asked: What are your plans to make perceptions of porn stars change? I answered: Oh, you’ll see. Soon enough. Speaking of which, guys. I’m really busy with some stuff right now. Probably won’t be blogging for a while, ok? Remember to visit for updates!

  • I’m Not Happy

    I’m Not Happy

    I am not happy people . . . You let people into your life sometimes because you think you can trust them. Or you hope you can. Let me tell you something, people. I do not trust easily, and I almost never let people in. This time, I decided to try it, and I got…

  • Crossover?


    TitsNClits4Sale asked: Are you going to try to crossover into mainstream? You’re smart and talented, and I bet you can sing and act, too. Lots of porn stars want to be mainstream celebrities. And I answered: I thought about it for a while. I was thinking of becoming a singer. But I put together a…

  • Small Business Taxes Fucking Blow Chunks

    Small Business Taxes Fucking Blow Chunks

    FUCK THIS!!! I AM SO SICK OF DOING TAXESS!!!!! AAAUUUUGGHHHHH I’m ripping my hair out! WTF is this bullshit?! Itemized deductions and receipts and stupid fucking… I need coffee. And a vibrator. Maybe I’ll go do some webcam work. Fuck this. Famous bitches like me shouldn’t have to do taxes. I have too much swag…

  • Luxuriating Before My Scene

    Luxuriating Before My Scene

    My second gangbang is tonight! I’m sooo excited, but I’m trying to stay calm and spend some quality me time luxuriating. It’s important for me to be in a positive, empowered mindset going into these things so I can get “in the zone” during the scene. So far I’ve given myself a pedicure and taken…



    I LOVE COFFEEEEEE!!!!! Coffee! And also Miss Elle, who came over this afternoon for a second interview. I revealed some big news to her, about another gangbang I’m planning! No details yet, but I think this time it won’t be streaming live. I’ll probably film it so I can edit and make it all smooth…

  • Fantastic Write-up By Miss Elle

    Fantastic Write-up By Miss Elle

    OMFG, I don’t even know what to say about the amazing article that Miss Elle wrote about me after our interview a few weeks ago! I’m totally blushing right now. Hahahaha, no I’m not! I’m Asian! I don’t blush! But for real, though, wow. Thank you so much, Elle, for your time and for respect!…

  • Interview with Miss Elle!

    Interview with Miss Elle!

    Thanks to Miss Elle for stopping by today! We did a great interview and she brought me COFFEE! Yum yum yum! I guess the interview will be up on her site or somewhere soon… I dunno. I’ll put up a link when it’s up! I never used to do interviews, but I feel, like, totally excited…

  • No LA for Me, NotDickie

    No LA for Me, NotDickie

    NotDickie56 asks: When are you going to go to LA to work with the big names in porn? And I answered: Pfffffft, never. Don’t get me wrong, there are probably some great people in LA. But I like it here in Brooklyn, and I get plenty of people to work with me here, and I…

  • Testing


    SexyLilLuvvah22 asked: Where do you get tested for STDs? And I answered: Oh, um, I do it here… In Brooklyn, I mean. I have a lab… that I go to. Here. Near my house. Don’t worry, it’s good. It’s clean. I’m clean. It’s all good. Anyway, yeah, I get tested for all communicable infections, including…

  • Wow, That Was Incredible

    Wow, That Was Incredible

    Incredible! I have found a whole new level of performance art, you guys. I have discovered a new plane of existence. Last night, many of you tuned in to watch my livestream of my first ever seven-man gangbang. Well, it ended up only being six. But thank you to everyone who watched! I’m humbled by…



    So I posted the other day about my accidental threesome, and I’ve been doing some thinking. I’ve been filming new scenes about once a week or so for the past few months, and I’ve been doing webcam solo stuff in between those, but I’ve been so bored anyway. I think I need to take it…

  • Multiple Partners

    Multiple Partners

    The weirdest thing happened! I ended up doing two guys for my last scene. Multiple Partners! It was kind of an accident, but don’t worry they both had all their tests done and everything! They just both showed up for the shoot, and I thought, “Why not?” And OMG you guys it was AMAZEBALLS!! I…

  • Bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored.

    Bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored.

    Bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored…

  • Yes, I’m ASIAN

    Yes, I’m ASIAN

    That same dude from yesterday asked: You look Asian. Where are your ancestors from? And I answered: Oh, god. Look, man, I’m American. I was born and raised here. Some of my grandparents came from Asia. Southeast Asia. Do you really need to know where my genome began to mutate away from yours, or vice…

  • Where Do You Think I’m From?

    Where Do You Think I’m From?

    Where I’m From . . . Brooklyn? So my AMA right (ask me anything) people ask some dumb things. . . Urghhhhh . . . Really dumb things. UltiMateDude69 asked: Where are you from? And I answered: Uh. America, duh. I live and work in Brooklyn. Peruse the rest of for more about me!

  • Feminist?


    Ok, some of you totally freaked out about my post the other day where I said I’m not really a feminist but I’m kind of a feminist. Let me just tell everyone to calm the fuck down and explain some things. I’m not your typical porn star, ok? I don’t think all porn stars are…

  • Merry Xmas You Guys!

    Merry Xmas You Guys!

    I don’t really do much Christmas stuff, myself, but it’s a fun time of year. Merry merry Xmas, and happy Chanukah, and super Kwanzaa, and fabulous solstice, and everything else!   Visit the rest of for all kinds of “stocking stuffers”! Hah!

  • Royalties


    I’ve been having sex on camera with a lot of people lately and it’s pretty great! So glad I decided to work with other people! I’ve also decided that instead of paying a flat rate like I guess a lot of porn people do, I’m going to pay royalties to all the people who perform…

  • Martial Arts Questions

    Martial Arts Questions

    People seem really interested in martial arts training. I don’t want to give away too much because, actually, it’s kind of… Well… It’s different than you might think. But here are some answers to the questions I’ve been getting. Lukn4Lix asks: How come you never show off your martial arts skills in your videos? And…

  • ¡Viva la Pussy!

    ¡Viva la Pussy!

    Pussy! Over the past few weeks, I got to know some incredible women from a totally different part of the world and background than me. Some of them have been through a lot of trials and have suffered a lot. And when I started to learn about their struggles, at first I felt sorry for…

  • Feminism


    TedEBare2011 asks: Are you a feminist? And I answer: Feminism . . . hmmm . . . I don’t really like the term “feminist.” So many people have used this in such a negative way that the word now implies “man-hater” and “anti-porn” to a lot of people. I’m not either of those things. I…



    Big huge news, you guys! I’ve decided I’m going to start shooting real porn scenes with other people! Probably dudes, since I like the cock. But then again, I’ve never been with a woman, so I don’t really know if I like it, so maybe I’ll try that too! But yes, this is my formal…

  • a lil selfie pic of me

    a lil selfie pic of me

    Here’s another lil selfie pic of me! for you! Whee! Stand by as there will be plenty selfie pics to cum . . . ehem, more to come! Please do feel free to leave suggestion in the comments section below, I’d love to know what sort of pics you’d like to see of me. Nice…

  • What’s what?

    What’s what?

    PinzNSkittles13 asked: What is that in the back of that picture? I answered: What? What’s what. . . What picture? Huh? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Even if I did know what PinzNSkittles13 was asking me about – which I don’t – I’d probably still plead the 5th anyway. . . I’m posting…

  • Measurements Question

    Measurements Question

    Yay! My first question from a fan! Twatluvr6969 asked: What are your measurements? And I answered: Why does that matter? You can see all the pictures of me you want—figure it out for yourself! I mean, seriously, people. Why do you need to know the numbers? Just look at my pictures if you want to…

  • What Should I Blog About?

    What Should I Blog About?

    Should I blog? Well, so I started blogging a few days ago, and I feel like I don’t know what to write about! I need help! You guys, send me questions so I can answer them. Like, do you want to know something about me that I haven’t covered in my webcam shows or videos?…

  • Someone sent Flowers?

    Someone sent Flowers?

    Whoever keeps sending me flowers, um, thanks! These are super pretty! But who are you? Email me!! Oh, remember to visit!

  • TOYS!!


    TOYS! OMG look at all my toyssss! I love my toys, all of them. And I’m pretty sure they love me . . . I mean they treat me the way a lover would and should. I treat them pretty well too. How do you feel about your toys? Do you have feelings about them?…

  • First Blog Post!

    First Blog Post!

    Wow, my first post in my brand new, shiny, fancy-pants BLOG! I don’t know what to talk about. I’m not really much of a writer. So… HI! I’m Tracy Queen! If you’re on my site you probably know lots about me already, but if you don’t, you can go to my “About Me” page and…