The time has come! After seven years of preparation, hundreds of hours of live-streamed art, and countless moments of hype… The Kickstarter to fund the first issue of the graphic novel about me is live!
This is a dream come true! The story of my journey from repressed and violent existence, into an independent, empowerment, and pleasure-filled life is on its way to becoming a reality.
The creators—Lynsey G, the writer, and Jayel Draco, the artist—are being so sweet about it! I mean, listen to this tidbit from the Kickstarter campaign:
She’s a feminist. She’s a warrior. She’s sex-positive. She’s incredibly intelligent yet hopelessly naive, simultaneously paranoid and idealistic, at once simple and conflicted, visionary and messy, problematic but trying really hard…and unapologetically horny. Tracy upends the narratives we’re used to hearing by being, ultimately, herself. And “herself” is a very unique individual, indeed.
I’m getting all teary-eyed! It’s like they really understand me! Anyway, look. They really believe in this project. I really believe in its power to help people love themselves for who they are. I think it’ll help readers feel less ashamed of sex, and learn to, like…love their lives. And their bodies. And themselves. This is just the first volume of the graphic novel…and it needs a strong start to succeed!
So if you’ve got some time, go check out the Kickstarter! Share it with your friends and family, talk about it on your YouTube channel, interview the creators on your podcast, write about it on your blog, back it if you can, shout about it from the rooftops! Make it happen!