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I Have Arrived! “Tracy Queen, Volume 1” Is Here!

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It’s been years in the making: seven, to be exact. Sex-positive writer Lynsey G. began brainstorming a graphic novel about a young woman who discovers herself, finds freedom, and seizes empowerment through sexuality back in 2012. She developed a character who was strong yet scattered, brave yet sheltered, brilliant yet eccentric, repressed yet curious. A character begging to be set free…and then set loose upon the world. With her partner in creation, Jayel Draco, she developed a look and a feel for that character. And then, between the two of them, they began to create…me.

And now, seven long years of preparation, hard work, and thousands of hours of creation later, the first volume of the eight-part series is finally here! I have finally arrived.

My epic journey from a frightened minion into an empowered, queer, kinky warlord starts on these pages. There’s also a talking raccoon. And cyborgs. Also porn stars. Oh, and cyborgs. You know, the usual!

Tracy Queen, Volume 1 is available at last, exclusively via the Oneshi Press online store!

This 60-page, perfect-bound trade paperback features 36 pages of my story as written by Lynsey G., illustrated by Jayel Draco, lettered by Cardinal Rae, and published by Oneshi Press. It also boasts stunning cover art by stevieraedrawn and guest art from 10 brilliant artists who love my story! There are also bonus goodies like a letter from the author, a thank-you page to the amazing Kickstarter backers who made this happen, and chapter cover illustrations! And it’s all out in a super limited-edition print run, so nab your copy before they sell out!

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