The folks at Oneshi Press just released a new, free sample of the graphic novel they’re publishing about ME! It’s a .PDF of the first eight pages of the story, in all their badass, full-color glory, and you can grab it for free from the Oneshi Press Patreon!
Oh, did I mention it’s free?
Look, I know that my story is a lot, okay? It’s sad but true that, in this world, there just aren’t many graphic novels about independent, self-aware, feminist porn stars with cyborg-clone armies, raccoons for best friends, and backgrounds in organized crime and biochemistry. It can be a lot to process.
I get it.
And, while Oneshi Press is releasing my story eight pages at a time in each of their indie comics anthologies, I get that it’s also kind of scary to make a purchase of something that’s so…much.
So, hey! Go check out the free sample! Give my story a test drive! Take it out for coffee! See if you feel a connection!
If you’re into the gorgeous art, the immersive world-building, the progressive story, and—duh—my badassery, then you can consider the anthologies! They’re available in limited-edition print and digital formats from the Oneshi Press store! There’s a brand new one coming out in just a few days, OMG!
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