I can’t belieeeeve it, people! WE DID IT! Your support helped Oneshi Press raise nearly $10,000 on Kickstarter to publish Volume 1 of the epic graphic novel about me! I’m so humbled and excited and amazed. You’re all badasses. THANK YOU!
Look, I am totally in awe of all of you. This graphic novel means a lot to me. Of course it does! It’s about me! But it means even more to know that you’re all excited about it, too. The creators, Lynsey G. and Jayel Draco, say they think it’s an important story, and I’m overwhelmed that there are hundreds of others out there who feel the same way. I hope you enjoy the first volume when it’s ready.
It’s in the works now, awaiting some guest art and a cover from the amazing stevieraedrawn. Once the book is ready to go, the folks at Oneshi Press will get it printed. Then they’ll order all the rewards that Kickstarter backers get as gigantic thank-yous for helping make it happen—goodies like art prints, stickers, original character sketches, cameos in upcoming volumes, and more. I hear that the Oneshi Press people aim to have the whole shebang out to backers by February! Not too shabby.
I can’t wait for you to get my book, but in the meantime…thank you for your support. You’re making my dreams come true!