
A New Year, A New Day, A New Life…

Tracy Queen - 2011/12/31 - Happy New Years!

Not really a new life. I’m just listening to Nina Simone and getting cozy with my hookah for the night, and I thought since I had a few spare minutes away from the… stuff I was doing… that I’d think ahead to 2011. I can’t believe it’s 2011 already! This year has passed in such a blur of activity! I know I haven’t been very active on social media, but I promise I have good reasons! I’m continuing to film, though, and I hope you’re enjoying the scenes I’ve been putting out! (Haha! Putting out! Oh my gosh I need more wine.)

So, without further ado, my resolutions for 2011!

-Be more careful with who I trust. Put trust and respect only into those I know won’t betray me, and spend more time and energy on those who I can trust (this is a very small, but growing, circle).

-No more interviews unless I’m 100% certain it’s a good idea and I’m 110% prepared.

-Improve my multitasking skills. You know. For better gangbangs, and also to become a better leader in other areas of my life. This requires strong organizational skills, as well as the ability to discipline effectively. I’m not very good at discipline, but as this project continues I’ll have to get better at it. Maybe I should start doing some BDSM scenes as a dom… Hm… What do you guys think?

-Keep fighting to empower women through sex! Maybe this dom thing is a good idea!

-Perfect my smoke-ring blowing abilities and find exactly the right mixture of shisha.

-Get someone to bring me coffee from Tarmucks every day!

Hmmm… that dom talk got me thinking… Guys, do you think I’d be a good dominatrix? I could try this… Would you want to see that in my videos?

Find out more about me so you can weigh in on the dom question at tracyqueen.com!

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